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Club Prophet & Course Logix

Working. Together.

Course Logix offers design services, email marketing, and more -- focused on generating more rounds and more revenue.
The partnership between Course Logix and Club Prophet can help you take your facility's website to the next level.

Website Design

With 40% of golfers looking for courses on their mobile devices, it's critical to have a website that's responsive so it looks great on any screen. Course Logix gives you that and complete control of your content, with an EZ editor that makes updates a breeze for even the least tech-savvy user.

A computer , laptop , and tablet are displaying a website.

Email Marketing

Course Logix features a state-of-the-art email marketing system that can help you grow your database and communicate with your customers.

Supercharge Your Site

Club Prophet services like Online Reservations and Online Member Statements can be built directly into your website, giving your members easy access to everything they need, whenever they need it.

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